Douglas Mckee

Fear and Anxiety Are Not The Same: The Difference Can Set You Free

 Fear and Anxiety are actually very different.  Even though they may feel the same, they are different in four ways. their origins are different, they take place at different times in the thinking sequence, they are processed by different parts of the brain. One is completely automatic and the other is consciously created. Fear developed

Fear and Anxiety Are Not The Same: The Difference Can Set You Free Read More »

Our Life Skills Have Passed the Tipping Point- Part Two – Prevention is the only solution

Prevention is the only long-term workable solution, but how can we prevent poor life skills? The answer to that is understanding how we learned the life skills we each have in the first place. Thanks to people like Clyde Hertzman and Michael Tomasello, we have a much more accurate picture of how all primates, not

Our Life Skills Have Passed the Tipping Point- Part Two – Prevention is the only solution Read More »

Our Most Important Life Skills – Relationships, Emotions, and Making Choices

Math, Language, and Driving are obviously skills. We are taught how they work, and we practice them until we develop a degree of competence. After some time, our level of ability to use them becomes a subconscious habit, and we perform the skills without even thinking about how they work. It may not be nearly

Our Most Important Life Skills – Relationships, Emotions, and Making Choices Read More »

Our Life Skills Have Passed the Tipping Point -Part One – Each Generation Has Poorer Life Skills

The more effort we put into trying to shape children into model citizens, the more one thing becomes clear, the techniques we are using to teach our children how to be the kind of adult we would like them to be are not effective enough to change the trajectory of “modern” society. In spite of

Our Life Skills Have Passed the Tipping Point -Part One – Each Generation Has Poorer Life Skills Read More »

What “Stress” Really Is And How You Can Eliminate Most Of It

Hans Selye, the “Father of Stress,” explained exactly what stress is and gave us the key to preventing nearly all of our distress and managing the times when our distress is unavoidable. Selye was a Physiologist, not a psychiatrist. He studied what was actually going on in the body, instead of imagining what might be

What “Stress” Really Is And How You Can Eliminate Most Of It Read More »

Use The Reconsolidation Technique To Decrease Negativity In Your Memories

Consolidation is a term for the mental processes that come together to turn an experience into a memory. It turns out that memories are actually fragile things. Every time we recall one, the very act of recalling it opens it up for editing. Our brain updates the memory with any new information it believes is in

Use The Reconsolidation Technique To Decrease Negativity In Your Memories Read More »